You Can Now Go Faster Through School Speed Zones In IowaYou Can Now Go Faster Through School Speed Zones In IowaStill continue to be cautious.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Traffic Cameras Now Working At Two Marion IntersectionsTraffic Cameras Now Working At Two Marion IntersectionsTickets will be issued for speeding and running a red light.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
A Real-Life Fast & Furious Unfolded Sunday in Des Moines [PHOTOS]A Real-Life Fast & Furious Unfolded Sunday in Des Moines [PHOTOS]With our summer weekends in Iowa running out, so did the common sense of a pair of drivers in Des Moines this weekend.Eric StoneEric Stone
Are Iowa’s Speeding Laws Too Strict?Are Iowa’s Speeding Laws Too Strict?Are Iowa's Speeding Laws Too Strict? The State of Iowa will immediately take your license if you're guilty of going 25 mph or more over the limit.Keith B.Keith B.
In Iowa, You Could Go To Jail For Speeding In A School ZoneIn Iowa, You Could Go To Jail For Speeding In A School ZoneIt seems like nobody follows the speed limits.Ryan McCreddenRyan McCredden
Another Iowan Caught Driving OVER 100 MPHAnother Iowan Caught Driving OVER 100 MPHBetween January and August of 2020, the Iowa State Patrol said that they recorded a 101% increase in tickets for speeding OVER 100 MPH. James PatrickJames Patrick
17-Year-Old Caught Driving 120 MPH in Linn County17-Year-Old Caught Driving 120 MPH in Linn CountyThe teenager was stopped driving 120 MPH in Linn County.James PatrickJames Patrick
Iowa State Patrol Stops Unlicensed Motorcyclist At 100+ MPHIowa State Patrol Stops Unlicensed Motorcyclist At 100+ MPHIowa State Patrol warns motorists to slow down after a Friday incident involving an unlicensed motorcyclist exceeding 100 mph in Cedar Rapids.Eric StoneEric Stone
Iowa State Trooper Busts Driver at 137 MPH with a .341 BACIowa State Trooper Busts Driver at 137 MPH with a .341 BACSpeeding + Drunk Driving + Crashing = lots of time to reflect on your decisions while in jailJames PatrickJames Patrick
Iowa State Patrol to Iowa Drivers: Slow Your RollIowa State Patrol to Iowa Drivers: Slow Your RollLike summer itself, the Iowa State Patrol says drivers need to slow their roll.Eric StoneEric Stone