‘Operation Give Birds’ Handing Out Free Turkeys On Sunday‘Operation Give Birds’ Handing Out Free Turkeys On SundayWhat started out as a prank among friends, has now turned into hundreds of families getting a free turkey for Thanksgiving.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
The Eight Weirdest Things Found on Cedar Rapids CraigslistThe Eight Weirdest Things Found on Cedar Rapids CraigslistBelieve it or not, Cedar Rapids Craigslist services range from male nude modeling to full blown exorcisms. Mike FerrisMike Ferris
Kangaroo On The Loose in Iowa!Kangaroo On The Loose in Iowa!Police get stray animal calls frequently. Dogs and cats mostly. But how about a kangaroo?Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Five Craziest Free Items on Craigslist Cedar RapidsFive Craziest Free Items on Craigslist Cedar RapidsFree is good, right? Not necessarily. Something tells us there won't be a lot of takers for these shall we say "interesting" items.Bob JamesBob James
A Real-Life ‘Elf on the Shelf’ is Now Available on CraigslistA Real-Life ‘Elf on the Shelf’ is Now Available on CraigslistThe 'Elf on the Shelf' isn't just for kids anymore! Add a very special decoration to your holiday party this year - a man dressed as an elf that stares at your guests creepily!CourtlinCourtlin