How Much Money Would You Need to Save to Retire in Iowa by 35?How Much Money Would You Need to Save to Retire in Iowa by 35?Well, I'm doomed.CourtlinCourtlin
Really? THIS Is The Most Expensive Hobby?Really? THIS Is The Most Expensive Hobby?And likely you'll only be interested in it for a few months.Johnny MarksJohnny Marks
Guess What? Raising Kids Is Expensive!Guess What? Raising Kids Is Expensive!A new study confirms something parents already know. Raising kids is expensive! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
It's Officially Great Jones County Fair Week!It's Officially Great Jones County Fair Week!This week is going to be a big one over in Monticello, and we have everything you need to know!CourtlinCourtlin
Iowa Hosts Three Oktoberfest Events in One WeekendIowa Hosts Three Oktoberfest Events in One WeekendIt's not October just yet, but there are three different Oktoberfest celebrations happening this weekend!CourtlinCourtlin
Iowa is One of the Best States to Have a Baby… AgainIowa is One of the Best States to Have a Baby… AgainThe state of Iowa is up several spots this year on a list of the best and worst states in the U.S. for soon-to-be parents.CourtlinCourtlin
How Much are Iowans Spending on Wedding Gifts?How Much are Iowans Spending on Wedding Gifts?Apparently I have NOT been giving enough when it comes to wedding gifts.CourtlinCourtlin
The Average Cost of a Babysitter in 2017 is Really HighThe Average Cost of a Babysitter in 2017 is Really HighDo you pay your babysitters this much?CourtlinCourtlin
Iowa Women are Spending a Lot of Money on Their FacesIowa Women are Spending a Lot of Money on Their FacesThis kind of goes without saying, but being a girl can be pretty darn expensive!CourtlinCourtlin
This Just In! Weddings are More Expensive Than EverThis Just In! Weddings are More Expensive Than EverBrides and grooms everywhere just rolled their eyes.CourtlinCourtlin