Restaurant Chain Ready to Open Cedar Rapids LocationRestaurant Chain Ready to Open Cedar Rapids LocationWe told you they were coming to Cedar Rapids more than three months ago, and your wait is nearly over.Bob JamesBob James
St. Louis-Based Barbecue Chain Coming to Cedar RapidsSt. Louis-Based Barbecue Chain Coming to Cedar RapidsThe location will be the first in Iowa and will open this spring.Bob JamesBob James
New BBQ Restaurant in C.R.New BBQ Restaurant in C.R.If you love southern style barbecue, this might be your favorite new spot.Bob JamesBob James
Cedar Rapids Lone Star ClosingCedar Rapids Lone Star ClosingThe long run of Lone Star Steakhouse in Cedar Rapids appears to have come to an end and there may be a surprising reason to blame. Bob JamesBob James
New BBQ Restaurant ComingNew BBQ Restaurant ComingA former Heisman Trophy winner and NFL star is opening a new restaurant in Cedar Rapids that bears his name.Bob JamesBob James