Sterzing’s Chips Flavor Has Changed And Iowans Are Furious
Sterzing Potato Chips were founded in Burlington in the mid-1930's and they've been crazy popular around the state of Iowa for years. However, many of the people that love them so much have noticed a change in flavor lately, and they're not happy about it. Why mess with perfection? The company didn't want to. They had to.
Craig Smith, the president of Sterzing's, told KBUR,
So the oil that we had been using for decades contained trace amounts of trans fats…and that oil is no longer available to use for cooking. This is essentially the government saying ‘you need to be healthier… so go use something that’s healthier for you.'
Note the bag now indicates 0 grams of Trans Fat.
Bob James
Customers are NOT happy. Just look at some of the comments from the Sterzing Facebook page:
Sterzing's hears you. The company has hired a food scientist as they strive to recapture that flavor for you while abiding by the new law.
It is definitely a work in progress, according to Smith:
It’s taken quite a bit of time to narrow this down…and we believe we are much, much closer. I’m pretty excited about what we were able to manufacture this week so far... people keep asking us ‘why would you change something that was so good? Well we didn’t want to. We know we had something that people really loved, and we hated to alter it.
Smith hopes the chips on store shelves start tasting more like the original in the next few weeks. The company asks that you pass along feedback as they work toward the best possible flavor of an iconic Iowa chip. Your thoughts can be provided HERE or by phone weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at (319) 754-8467 or (800) 754-8467.