Marion Schools Announce Lunch/Breakfast Pickups
One of the biggest stories surrounding the coronavirus outbreak has been our children no longer being in school. Yes, that means that learning has been interrupted, but for many so have two hot meals per day. That's why it has been so encouraging to see local school districts step up and provide food for their students even though classes aren't in session. You can add the Marion Independent School District to that list.
Marion will be offering lunches and breakfast to children 18 years of age and younger beginning on Tuesday, March 24. The district asks families to fill out a short survey to help them plan exactly how many kids need food. You can fill out the survey HERE.
Starting on Tuesday the 24th, breakfast, and lunch can be picked up at the following locations.
- Vernon Middle School from 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.
- Longfellow, Starry, FMI, and Vernon from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
They also ask that you pick one location to pick up the food for all of your children.
The Marion school district is currently shutdown through April 13.
[via KCRG]