Marion Airport Gets Grant Money To Expand Runway [VIDEO]
Takeoffs from the Marion Airport will soon be easier. The airport was awarded a grant in the amount of $425,000 to help widen and improve the facility's runway. The grant from the Iowa DOT is contingent upon the airport updating its lease with the company that owns it, and the Marion city council completing a zoning ordinance.
The airport has been privately owned, but the city bought land, including the runway and operating buildings in 2015. The airport has received three other grants in the past to help improve the runway and other facilities.
This week's grant will widen the runway from 26 to 60 feet and repair asphalt as well. Earlier this year I took my first flight at the Marion Airport during their annual fly-in breakfast event. A larger, smoother runway will make rides like mine a lot smoother very soon!
[via Gazette]