Johnson County Board of Supervisors Approve Face Covering Regulation
According to CBS2, "The Johnson County Board of Supervisors moved approval of the resolution to approve face covering regulation."
The resolution will go into effect on Monday, August 10th. The resolution states that if you are in Johnson County and around people, you will be required to wear a mask.
The CBS2 story said the new mandate applies to all areas and municipalities in Johnson County. If you are in a store, a school, or anyplace you can't stay six feet away from other people, you will need to have your mask on.
There was no mention of what the fine would be if you're caught not wearing a mask. It did say that any law enforcement officer in the county could issue a ticket for people not following the rules.
You can read the full story from CBS2 by clicking on this link.
I spoke with Tom Anderson, a resident of Iowa City. He told me, "It's not that big of a deal. Most people I see around these parts are already wearing a mask. I'm sure there will be a few people upset, but it's all about safety if you ask me."
It's safe to assume this new resolution will come with plenty of controversy. I've already seen some heated arguments on social media about this subject on social media.
What are your thoughts on Johnson County requiring people to wear a mask?
Comment below and we will discuss.
[Source of story: CBS2 and Iowa's News Now]