Hey Kids, Get Ready For Summer School!
Starting on June 1st, Iowa school districts may start offering in-person summer school programs as well as in-person enrichment camps. The Gazette reported the announcements made on Thursday by Iowa Education Director Ann Lebo.
The announcement allows public and private schools to open voluntary academic enrichment camps for programs like STEM, drama, robotics, and other subjects. The Gazette reports that summer sports practices for Iowa high schools can also start up again as of June 1st. During her Thursday press conference, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds called shutting down Iowa schools for the remainder of the year, "one of the toughest decisions I've made these last 11 weeks."
Public and private schools will make their own decisions on whether to have in-person summer programming. If schools chose to do so, The Gazette reports that the Iowa Department of Education recommends schools distance students from each other by limiting class sizes, and avoiding interactions between different groups of students. They also suggest that schools, when feasible, use cloth face coverings and screen all staff and students upon arrival.
Officials say that it is important for everyone involved to know that these guidelines are starting points for school districts to consider, as districts think about whether or not they should re-open for the summer. Those guidelines could be changed by July 1st, based on coronavirus activity.
Do you think schools should be re-opening for the summer? Does this mean that if things continue to improve that schools will be required to start up again this fall?