Brain’s Neighbor Is A Published Author! [VIDEO]
I think a lot of us at some point in our lives tell ourselves that we're going to write a book. I had some ideas in my head when I was younger about a fiction book I wanted to write. Now that I'm older I'd love to sit and write a book on parenting and kids. But how many of us take the time and actually sit down and bang out the pages and work? Very few of us. And out of that number of people, how many are good enough to get published?
I was surprised to learn that our neighbor down the street, Dawn Bailey, had written a book. Not only had she written a book, but it has been published and you can buy it on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble! I think Dawn is surprised by all of it too. The book is called 'The Fear of Being Seen', and much of the book is comprised of Dawn's own life experiences. That doesn't just take talent to write, that also takes courage. Dawn stopped by the KHAK studios recently to talk about her book, and why it is so important to her.
If you're interested in getting the book and meeting Dawn here are the events she has coming up!
Meet The Author at Louie's Scoreboard in Marion - Saturday, April 29th starting at 6 p.m.
Barnes and Noble Cedar Rapids book signing - Saturday, May 13th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
You can get more information at