I've been called a tree hugger. A stupid liberal. But I'm not alone in my concerns on global warming. The majority of scientists agree that our earth is warming, and we're already seeing the consequences. Leo DiCaprio stars in a new documentary called 'Before The Flood'. You can view it for free on Facebook, Youtube, and the National Geographic Channel. I gave it a viewing over the weekend.

I'm not sure if the film will change your mind on global warming. If you doubt that something is happening, I'm not sure what it will take to convince you. The film does a good job of showing some specific examples of the change our planet has gone through. It talks to various scientists, President Obama, and even the Pope. The interviews were all well and good, but the overall theme I got from watching this was, well, gloom and doom.

DiCaprio said it himself during the film. Using the right lightbulb and car pooling to work isn't enough. We're past that stage. The only thing now that can stop the warmth of our planet is a complete change in human behavior. What country is ready for that? Certainly not ours. For everyone who scoffed at Al Gore and all the other environmentalists during their impassioned pleas for help, maybe this is the future we deserve.

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