Hint: it's NOT winter!

Whenever my family or friends in Michigan ask me when they should visit me here in the Hawkeye State, I typically give them the same answer: SUMMER. I'm not saying that there isn't anything to do during the spring or fall months, but summer certainly has the most options. And winter... well, we all know how miserably cold an Iowa winter can be.

A recent article from the site Love Exploring takes a look at the best month to visit all 50 states, and I can't say that I disagree with the pick for Iowa. The report says that AUGUST is the very best month to take a trip here. It reads:

"For a real party atmosphere and the chance to join the country’s oldest and largest agricultural exposition, head to Iowa in August. This is when the Iowa State Fair happens – an annual calendar highlight for Iowans. Expect big-name country acts, thrill parks, livestock shows, contests, and 200 food stands. Deep-fried bacon brisket mac-n-cheese, anyone? Summer sunshine also makes the state’s must-see attractions stand out even more, from the sparkling gold dome of the State Capitol (pictured), to the rolling farmland and shimmering Missouri River."

According to Current Results, the average high temperature in August in Eastern/Central Iowa is typically around 80 to 84 degrees... although the site doesn't mention how awful the humidity can be. As far as events go, though, there are a TON happening in August. As Love Exploring mentions, the Iowa State Fair is a big one, but there are lots of others. Popular events include the Hinterland Music Festival, Iowa Irish Fest, the Okoboji Blue Water Music Festival, the Mississippi Valley Fair, the St. Jude Sweet Corn Festival, the What Cheer Flea Market, Boom Fest, and the Market After Dark.

What month do you think is the very best to visit Iowa? Let us know by sending us a message on our station app!

Iowans Show Off Their Most Beautiful Photos of the State

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

The ABCs of Iowa

I know Iowa may not be the most popular state to visit, but we still have plenty to offer! Using countless article, websites, lists, and maps, we put together a list of some of Iowa's best and biggest events, venues, and attractions using every letter of the alphabet (which wasn't easy)! Unfortunately, we couldn't include EVERY awesome place in the state (there aren't enough letters!), but here are our Iowa ABCs:

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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