There are many moments in a parent's life that remind them that their kids are growing up.  Their first words, steps, bike ride.  All of these are moments that I've experienced with my son Chase. All of them have felt like a normal, natural progression in the child/parent relationship.  But yesterday did NOT feel normal.  

When I picked up Chase from school yesterday, he informed me that a girl at school had given him her phone number.  Yes, my son, who is 9, got a girl to give him her number.  My first thought was, "hey....that's great!  Girls like you!"  But the more I thought about it, the more I began to think, "Oh crap....girls LIKE you!"  

Now I know that at the age of 9, he's not going to call this girl up, ask her out and then see if he can borrow my car this weekend.  But what it DOES mean, is that day just got a little closer.  This is such a wierd age.  On one hand, he'll ask for a hug and kiss before bed.  On the other hand, he brought home a girl's phone number!  He's not my little boy anymore.  I guess I'll have to treasure those hugs and kisses even more.

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