Break out your 'best friend' necklaces, because today is a day to celebrate friendship!

Nobody on the internet knows where it came from or how it was started, but June 8th is also known as 'National Best Friends Day!' In a world where social media dominates our connections with people, sometimes sorting out your real friends from your social media friends can get a little tricky, but there's NO mistaking your best friends.

A recent article from Refinery29 discusses the research of Andrea Bonior, a clinical psychologist who specializes in friendships. She states that a best friendship is defined as, "feeling that your friend knows and understands you, and they're someone you can count on." She also explains that it's ok to have just one best friend or multiple, and it all depends on your personality.

I've had many different best friends over the course of my life, but I would say that I definitely have multiple in my life right now. They are all very different people, but they have similar qualities that attracted me to them. Here are some pictures of me and my besties:


In honor of National Best Friends Day, share a photo of you with your best friend(s) in the comments!

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