Having kids is one of the biggest joys of my life. It's also one of the hardest things to do. But for every stress-filled moment, there are others that make you realize how lucky you are. A new survey of parents confirmed those thoughts and looked at the most fun age for kids, and the age where they stress you out the most.

Parents agree that raising kids is a 50/50 split of fun and hard work. I couldn't agree more. You just have to remember that those hard times will pay off in the long run. When asked what age kids are the most fun, the top answer was 5. I have a 5-year-old in the house right now, our youngest daughter Cayleigh. What is so great about 5? Parents say that the child can now fully communicate and also have a fully developed sense of humor. I love this age because, for the most part, the tantrums are over, school is fun and you're the most important person in your child's life!

The most stressful age? Between 10 and 12 years old. Yes, the preteen years. Hormones are kicking in and your kids are trying to figure out who they are. Kids push limits and test parents. I remember doing it to my parents, and I know that my kids will do it to me. I can't wait. Chase is 11 years old this year and, at times, he can be difficult. He really knows how to push my buttons, much like I could always get my parents going. But when he asks me for a hug and kiss every night before bed, I know my little boy is still in there.

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