There are over 300 permanent drive-in movie theaters currently in the United States. You can travel to nearby Delmar, Iowa, and watch movies at the 61 Drive-In Theater like I did earlier this summer. But thanks to Wal-Mart, there will be a lot more drive-ins for people to frequent later this summer!

160 temporary drive-in movie screens will be set up in Wal-Mart parking lots across the nation later this summer. MSN reports that the movies will, of course, be family-friendly, and will be shown on the screens from August through October. Wal-Mart has not yet announced where the drive-ins will be located, and are expected to make that public as we get closer to August.

Movie theaters have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Many have been unable to re-open. That has led to an increase in popularity for drive-in theaters. You can still social distance, wear your mask, and enjoy one, and many times, two films per night! Wal-Mart is teaming up with Tribeca Enterprises for the summer film series.

MSN reports that there will be a total of 320 showings at these 160 Wal-Mart stores. Officials with Tribeca say that special appearances from filmmakers and celebrities are also possible during the film series. So stock up on popcorn now, and get ready to see one of your favorite movies at a Wal-Mart parking lot soon! Here's hoping for an Eastern Iowa location!

Wal-Mart says that locations and times will be announced closer to August. When it is updated, you can find that information at

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