Covering up the truth is a specialty of kids. Especially when they know they're in trouble. So finding out the truth as a parent can sometimes be difficult. Enter the CIA. No, we're not suggesting you have an agent confront your child, but there are some techniques the CIA uses in interrogations that you can use on you kids.

  • Pretend to understand completely. Get them to think you know the truth, and why they did what they did. Then act like the whole thing is a misunderstanding and it won't be a big deal if they're honest about it.
  • Don't be judgmental, or at least not right away. Once they start being honest, don't show your hand and start yelling. They might have more to share with you, but they're less likely once its clear you're angry.
  • No good cop, bad cop. It doesn't work. Its an invention of Hollywood. You should BOTH be the good cop. Then once they tell you the truth you can bring down the hammer.


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