It happens only once a year.  I fast most of the day to prepare.  I wear loose clothing when I go.  It's all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster.  Friday night, my wife and I, along with some friends, attempted to eat as many shrimp as possible, and live to tell about it.  It would be a night to remember.

First of all, when you head in for the all you can eat shrimp, you begin an instant battle with the restaurant.  They offer you the biscuits, a salad, appetizers.  Just say 'No".  My strategy?  I order one beer, and eat half of my salad.  My side?  No fries or baked potato!  Just some broccoli.  Then, it's on to the main course....shrimp!  I love shrimp.  But if you're going for all you can eat, don't eat too many of the breaded fried shrimp.  I stick with the scampi.

The other battle you face is the service.  With so many people ordering shrimp at the same time, it can take awhile to get your refill.  I order my next order as soon as a refill hits the table.  Our service Friday night was actually quite fast.  Which may have played a part in establishing a new personal record of....115 shrimp.

After I counted my tails, and came to the total, the only thing I could think of was a scene from one of my favorite Simpsons episodes.


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