Every New Year's Day my wife and I "de-Christmas" the house.  Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Christmas season.  I start getting excited before Thanksgiving and we do a couple of trees, garland, lights, stockings, outdoor lights...the whole "she-bang."  I am full on Christmas from the end of November until January 1.

We did our "de-Christmassing" yesterday and while we were doing it, Misty asked me "does putting all of this stuff away this depress you?"  I told her it doesn't.  I look at it like a fresh start.  I start focusing on the brand new year ahead and what lies in front of us.  I actually get excited.  Call me a weirdo...but it's what I do.

I know there is usually a letdown for some people after the holidays.  If that is you, try looking at what lies ahead and the adventures the next year will bring.  It works for me!

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