Valentines for Vets: A Simple Way to Say THANK YOU to Hospitalized Veterans
It's mid-January and that means it's action time. Time to get your group together to make homemade valentines that are truly cherished when we deliver them to hospitalized veterans at the V.A. Hospital in Iowa City. Valentines For Vets is one of the most important things we do each year but you are the ones that make it all possible.
Family, church group, school, workplace, or just yourself, everyone is welcome and encouraged to make homemade valentines and deliver them to the KHAK studios by the close-of-business Friday, February 8. The KHAK staff will deliver them to veterans at the V.A. Hospital in Iowa City Monday, February 11.
There are a few important things to remember:
- Please DON'T use glitter! It makes a mess and can be a health hazard at the hospital. Cards with glitter have to be thrown away, they can't be distributed to patients, so please don't use it.
- Please do not include candy as many patients aren't allowed to eat it. We don't want to tempt them or put them at risk.
- We also ask that only your first or last name (not both) are written on the valentines. Don't hesitate to include the name of your organization.
When your valentines are complete they can be dropped off.
Deadline Thursday, February 7 (5 p.m.) for these three locations:
- The floral department of the Edgewood Road Hy-Vee in Cedar Rapids
- Wild Hogs Saloon & Eatery: 350 Commercial Drive in Walford
- Billion Automotive of Iowa City
Deadline Friday, February 8 (5 p.m.) for KHAK studio drop-off:
- KHAK studios: 425 2nd St. SE (4th floor) in Cedar Rapids
You can also mail them to us (please make sure they arrive by February 8):
KHAK Valentines For Vets
425 2nd St. S.E.
4th Floor
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
Have fun and be creative. Thanks in advance for the incredible response to this campaign each and every year!