The Latest Victim of The Supply Chain…Your Cat!
We have all by now been affected in some way by the continuing issues with our nation's supply chain. The COVID pandemic threw a wrench in our system of producing and shipping goods and we've all had to go without some of our favorite products. Toilet paper, Lunchables, you name it! But now, you're fat, friendly, family feline has fallen victim to the supply chain!
KCCI reports that the latest hard-to-find item in grocery stores isn't food for you, it's cat food. Iowa State supply chain professor Jonathon Phares told KCCI that ongoing supply chain problems are to blame for the shortage. He explains that within the supply change, small changes can have big impacts and be hard to recover from because the demand for products never decreases. He added that the meat found in cat food has become scarce.
Another reason that cat food has become scarce? Aluminum. Most wet cat food cans are made from it. KCCI reports that many pet food services like Chewy have gone away from aluminum containers to try and combat the packaging issues.
So other than issues with ingredients, what else has changed? How about pet adoptions. KCCI reports that cat adoptions spiked during the pandemic. But unlike other pet adoptions, whose levels eventually returned to a pre-pandemic level, KCCI reports that cats continue to be adopted at their pandemic high levels.
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