Is This the Funniest Billboard in Cedar Rapids? [PHOTO]
Billboards have been both ubiquitous and inconspicuous for quite some time--we drive by them on a daily basis and rarely take much notice. But, sometimes you encounter a piece of enlarged, street-view advertising that can't help but capture your attention. That was the case for me a few weeks back while driving along First Avenue S.E. That's when I saw this:
How's that for persuasive advertising? This particular piece of public promotion is located directly above Johnny Boy's Car Wash in Cedar Rapids. It has all the pillars of great advertising: it's funny, eye-catching, and lets you know the price and value!
So, guys (or wives?), if you're still looking for a holiday gift this year, you might want to drive your significant other along First Avenue so they can catch a snippet (whoops) of this unique billboard.
If you've seen any other billboards around town that you find funny, post a picture in the comments below.