Find Out How Your School Fared In The 2017 Iowa School Report Card
Every year, The Iowa Department of Education ranks public schools in the state based on their performance, and this year's report is now available for parents to view. The Educate Iowa website reads:
"The Iowa School Report Card is a web-based ratings system to show how each public school is performing on certain educational measures. Schools receive a score for each measure, and then the scores are combined into an overall score."
According to the Quick Guide, there are actually eight different measures that are individually scored to determine the final rank, and those are:
- Proficiency
- Closing Achievement Gap
- College and Career-Ready Growth
- Annual Expected Growth
- College and Career Readiness
- Graduation Rate
- Attendance
- Staff Retention
There is also a "Teacher Survey of Parent Involvement" category that is not included in the ratings, but will be in the future.
The rankings, in order from best to worst, are:
- Exceptional
- High Performing
- Commendable
- Acceptable
- Needs Improvement
- Priority
You can search for and view each school's overall rank AND their scores for all the individual measures HERE.
[Via Educate Iowa/CBS 2 Iowa]