Taste Bud Trivia: Mac N Cheese Candy Canes
Brain and Courtlin were hoping I wouldn't bring them another weird candy cane flavor or anything involving cottage cheese....and I didn't....bring cottage cheese, that is. I did, however, bring them another strange-flavored candy cane.
I didn't think this one would be too bad considering how much Courtlin loves mac and cheese, but I was wrong. Apparently, this tastes nothing like mac and cheese and more like old cheese. You can tell just how unenjoyable it was by Courtlin's faces. Watch this week's Taste Bud Trivia video here.
You can tune in to Taste Bud Trivia every Wednesday at around 7:15 on the KHAK Facebook page! We'll go live on Facebook so you can see their reactions in real time. Make sure you're following the KHAK Facebook page to get notified when we go live. AND if you want to keep up with the latest in K-Hawk COuntry and get notified when we make concert announcements, download the FREE KHAK app here.