You Can Get Slippers Made That Look Exactly Like Your DogYou Can Get Slippers Made That Look Exactly Like Your DogThe same company that will turn your pet into a stuffed animal will also turn your pet into slippers!CourtlinCourtlin
How Often Do You Wash These Everyday Things?How Often Do You Wash These Everyday Things?Apparently I'm using the washing machine a LOT more than the average person.CourtlinCourtlin
Courtlin Has a Large Collection of Weird Socks [PHOTOS]Courtlin Has a Large Collection of Weird Socks [PHOTOS]Do you collect anything weird or interesting?CourtlinCourtlin
Your Washing Machine Really COULD be Eating Your Socks [VIDEO]Your Washing Machine Really COULD be Eating Your Socks [VIDEO]If you're wondering where all of those missing socks are, we might have an explanation!CourtlinCourtlin