America’s Worst Peanut Butter Brand Is Sold In IowaAmerica’s Worst Peanut Butter Brand Is Sold In IowaThe best feeling in the world as a kid, would be opening up your lunchbox at lunchtime and seeing your mom's peanut butter and jelly sandwich that she made just for you.Kerri MacKerri Mac
Video Goes Viral About Midwest Family That Poisoned ThemselvesVideo Goes Viral About Midwest Family That Poisoned ThemselvesMidwest mom posts to TikTok her family's story after being sick for nine weeks in a row- only on Mondays. Kailey FosterKailey Foster
Brain & Courtlin Eat Hard-Boiled Peanut Butter and Jelly EggsBrain & Courtlin Eat Hard-Boiled Peanut Butter and Jelly EggsA lot of people were suggesting we feature this on Taste Bud Trivia, so we did! DanielleDanielle
Brain & Courtlin Try an Odd, Uncle-Favorite, Food CombinationBrain & Courtlin Try an Odd, Uncle-Favorite, Food CombinationWe asked for listener's suggestions on what they'd like to see Brain and Courtlin try and they just keep getting weirder and weirder.DanielleDanielle
Taste Bud Trivia Takes A Weird Turn With Unusual ComboTaste Bud Trivia Takes A Weird Turn With Unusual ComboIt's rare that Brain and Courtlin like the food enough to finish the rest. DanielleDanielle
What’s the RIGHT Way to Make a PB&J?What’s the RIGHT Way to Make a PB&J?The internet seems to be pretty divided on this topic!CourtlinCourtlin
Taste Bud Trivia – Peanut Butter Hot Dog [VIDEO]Taste Bud Trivia – Peanut Butter Hot Dog [VIDEO]It's a Valentine's Day edition of Taste Bud Trivia! We thought that Danielle might be nice and bring us in some candy to eat. No such luck.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Brain & Courtlin's 'Taste Bud Trivia' -- PB, Mayo, & Eggs [VIDEO]Brain & Courtlin's 'Taste Bud Trivia' -- PB, Mayo, & Eggs [VIDEO]If you think this sounds gross... you're right.CourtlinCourtlin
Taste Bud Trivia - Peanut Butter And SyrupTaste Bud Trivia - Peanut Butter And SyrupA peanut butter sandwich with syrup sounds like something Buddy the Elf would eat! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Taste Bud Trivia: Bananas With Peanut Butter and MAYO [WATCH]Taste Bud Trivia: Bananas With Peanut Butter and MAYO [WATCH]You can tell how gross it was just by their facial reactions in the video.DanielleDanielle