Oprah Once Named This Iowa Town the Strangest In AmericaOprah Once Named This Iowa Town the Strangest In AmericaIt has been raising some eyebrows for years.Kerri MacKerri Mac
Iowa’s “Newest” City was Visited by OprahIowa’s “Newest” City was Visited by OprahWhile most Iowa cities were established in the 1800s or 1900s, this town became official 20 years ago this month.James PatrickJames Patrick
How Long You Have to Work Before You Can Buy Certain ItemsHow Long You Have to Work Before You Can Buy Certain ItemsWant to see how long it will take you to earn enough money to buy a car or a house? Or how about something as simple as a hamburger at your favorite restaurant? A new website can do just that.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard