‘The Voice’ Contestants Ethan Lively and Avery Roberson Face Off in Battle Round With James Otto’s ‘Just Got Started Lovin’ You’ [Watch]‘The Voice’ Contestants Ethan Lively and Avery Roberson Face Off in Battle Round With James Otto’s ‘Just Got Started Lovin’ You’ [Watch]The contestants sang Otto's "Just Got Started Lovin' You" during their Battle Round on Monday night (March 29).Angela StefanoAngela Stefano
LOOK: Country Stars and Their Famous RelativesLOOK: Country Stars and Their Famous RelativesThere are many country music stars who have equally famous relatives, many of whom are in the music industry as well.Christina VinsonChristina Vinson
Country Music’s Top 10 Unforgettable One-Hit WondersCountry Music’s Top 10 Unforgettable One-Hit WondersIt's never anyone's dream to be a one-hit wonder -- but it happens fairly frequently: Although you remember the song itself (and all of the lyrics ...), you're left scratching your head on who the artist singing it is.Christina VinsonChristina Vinson
Country Stars Who Have Served in the MilitaryCountry Stars Who Have Served in the MilitaryCountry music is filled with songs proclaiming love and devotion to the United States, but for many artists, their patriotism runs much deeper.The Boot StaffThe Boot Staff