Wal-Mart’s New Hours Aimed At Shoppers With PTSD and ADHDWal-Mart’s New Hours Aimed At Shoppers With PTSD and ADHDThe new hours are aimed at helping the most sensitive of shoppers.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Iowa was NOT Named One of the Friendliest States in the U.S.Iowa was NOT Named One of the Friendliest States in the U.S.How can this be?!CourtlinCourtlin
Halloween Movies for the Whole FamilyHalloween Movies for the Whole FamilyThere are a ton of really scary horror movies out there for the Halloween holiday, but, unfortunately, most of them are not kid-friendly. If you're looking for a Halloween movie the whole family can enjoy, you've come to the right place!CourtlinCourtlin
Friendly Employees Make Less MoneyFriendly Employees Make Less MoneyAccording to a new study, agreeable employees may be making less money than their less-agreeable coworkers.CourtlinCourtlin