Mysterious Shiny Monolith Has Las Vegas Police Warning HikersMysterious Shiny Monolith Has Las Vegas Police Warning HikersNo one knows how this large, shiny object ended up in the middle of nowhere. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Alien 'Beings' Used 'Cloaking Device' in Las Vegas NeighborhoodAlien 'Beings' Used 'Cloaking Device' in Las Vegas NeighborhoodNew information has rekindled interest in viral UFO video purported to show aliens landing in a Las Vegas home's yard.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
The Iowa Town Where You’re Most Likely to Spot AliensThe Iowa Town Where You’re Most Likely to Spot AliensIf you want a better chance at seeing a possible UFO, you'll have to head out to the state's capital.Kerri MacKerri Mac
Florida Mall Erupts In Chaos After Reports Of Aliens Being CapturedFlorida Mall Erupts In Chaos After Reports Of Aliens Being CapturedUnverified social media reports claiming alien sightings in Miami following a teenager-instigated disturbance have been categorically dismissed.Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
States Where Aliens Are Most Likely to Land (According to Movies)States Where Aliens Are Most Likely to Land (According to Movies)Some parts of the U.S. are more likely to be visited by aliens than others if movies are any indication of what we can expect from extra-terrestrials. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Hey Iowa, Win $1 Million if You Catch This Your Ring CameraHey Iowa, Win $1 Million if You Catch This Your Ring CameraYou can win $1 million if you see one of these on your Ring cameraGabeGabe
Why Iowa Is Not The Place To Live During An Alien InvasionWhy Iowa Is Not The Place To Live During An Alien InvasionIf aliens invade, you might want to head to a neighboring state!Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard