Iowa High School Football Player Faces Racial Backlash After Kneeling During National Anthem
A high school football player from Clear Creek Amana High School in Eastern Iowa has become the target of racial attacks online after kneeling during a recent game. 17-year-old Darius Moore knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial discrimination. What happened next is an example of the very thing that he knelt for.
Moore planned to kneel again during last Friday night's game too. But the national anthem was played before the freshman game instead of right before the varsity contest. However, during the game, someone sent a Snapchat of Darius out on the field commenting on how he took a knee and captioned it by using the N-word. The post went viral quickly. Darius' parents shared the post to Facebook and said that it's proof that racism is everywhere and often goes unnoticed. Daryl Moore said that "if you're a person of color, this stuff happens. It's almost like people don't believe it happens but it does."
The student body has been quick to support Moore. The school district told CBS2 "The district will not interfere with a student's right of expression by peacefully kneeling or sitting during the traditional playing of the national anthem."
The Clear Creek Amana school district also said the disciplinary action will be taken against the student who sent the Snapchat message.
[via CBS2]
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