Thinking about college, but worried about the cost? Well, one college in Iowa is offering free tuition to students that meet certain criteria.

According to KCRG, Luther College in Decorah, Iowa is offering an incredible opportunity to students. It's called the Iowa Impact Award, and it's offered to students who meet the following requirements:

  • Must live in Iowa
  • Must have a GPA of at least 3.5
  • Must have a family-adjusted gross income of $70,000 or less

If all of the criteria are met and maintained, it's FREE tuition for all four years. That's fantastic! Especially considering the current cost of tuition at Luther is $46,130. If tuition costs were to increase, the Iowa Impact Award would cover that. The award would not cover smaller costs such as room and board and textbooks.

How Can Luther College Offer Free Tuition to Students?

To be able to cover tuition costs, state and federal money, and institutional resources will make up more than $185,000 over a four-year undergraduate period.

Why is Luther College in Decorah, Iowa Offering Free Tuition?

KCRG reports that this is all an effort to "make personalized education more accessible to a wider variety of students," according to school leaders. School officials call it an award instead of a scholarship because it's based on a combination of merit, GPA, and family need.

How do I apply for the Iowa Impact Award?

It's pretty simple. You don't have to fill out a specific application. Just apply to Luther College and complete the FAFSA by March 1, 2022. If you qualify for this opportunity, it'd definitely be worth considering.

Who wouldn't want FREE college!?

LOOK: Here are the 25 best places to live in Iowa

Stacker compiled a list of the best places to live in Iowa using data from Niche. Niche ranks places to live based on a variety of factors including cost of living, schools, health care, recreation, and weather. Cities, suburbs, and towns were included. Listings and images are from

On the list, there's a robust mix of offerings from great schools and nightlife to high walkability and public parks. Some areas have enjoyed rapid growth thanks to new businesses moving to the area, while others offer glimpses into area history with well-preserved architecture and museums. Keep reading to see if your hometown made the list.

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