Improvised Explosive Device Removed From Cedar Rapids Alley
We always hear if we see something, we should say something. That's exactly what a concerned resident did in this case, and we're glad they did.
According to a media release from the Cedar Rapids Police Department, authorities responded to the report of a suspicious device on the southeast side of Cedar Rapids just before 11 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3.
When officers from the Cedar Rapids Police Department as well as the Cedar Rapids Metro Hazardous Devices Unit (HDU) arrived at the scene, they cordoned off the area to keep residents safe.
After determining the device was an IED, or improvised explosive device, technicians from the Hazardous Devices Unit "safely removed and mitigated" the device, according to the media release from Cedar Rapids Police Department.
The investigation into the IED continues.
We join the Cedar Rapids Police Department in thanking the citizen for reporting the device and reminding everyone... if you see something that you believe is suspicious, leave the area immediately and call 911. You'll need to provide an address and describe the area where you saw it.
The members of the Cedar Rapids Metro Hazardous Devices Unit, or HDU, have special training and equipment they can use to not only identify and analyze these types of devices but safely remove them, as well. The unit is a combined effort from the police and fire departments in Cedar Rapids as well as the Linn County Sheriff's Department and Marion Police Department.