I got a text this week from our friends at Safe Haven of Iowa County. They had heard that Courtlin was on vacation through the end of the year. They wondered if this might be the time to bring a cat up to feature on Furry Friday. Courtlin loves cats, but unfortunately, she is VERY allergic to them. So this week it was all about our new friend Balboa the cat!

Balboa is one of the adult cats being housed at Safe Haven. Yes, they do have a few kittens left, but they also have plenty of great adult cats looking for homes. Balboa is a young male cat who loves to play and cuddle. He gets along great with other cats and adults and kids too. He was a little unsure about the KHAK studios when he came to visit. In fact, He nestled himself inside our new console and Danielle had to crawl inside and dig him out!

Balboa will do much better in a calmer setting. If you 'd like to find out more about how to adopt him, visit Safe Haven of Iowa County for more information!

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