The husband of an eastern Iowa woman who was reported missing over the weekend has been charged with his wife's murder.

The Iowa Department of Public Safety reported on Saturday that the Ottumwa Police Department had been made aware that 60-year-old Helen E. Showalter of Ottumwa was missing. She had reportedly last been seen "walking from a vehicle near the Garrison Rock Park in rural Wapello County."

A person walking near the Cliffland Boat Ramp in rural Wapello County observed Showalter's body in the Des Moines River early Sunday afternoon. It was revealed that her death was considered suspicious and that an autopsy was being performed.

Iowa Department of Public Safety
Iowa Department of Public Safety

Ottumwa Radio reports that Showalter's husband, 61-year-old Gregory A. Showalter, went to the Wapello County Law Enforcement Center and turned himself in to authorities Tuesday morning.

According to a preliminary investigation, Ottumwa Radio says Helen Showalter died due to foul play. Gregory Showalter has been charged with First Degree Murder and Felon in Possession of a Firearm. The two charges are Class A and Class C felonies, respectively. Gregory Showalter remains in custody at the Wapello County Jail in Ottumwa.

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