Hopefully you visited one of the awesome restaurants we have in Eastern Iowa this year!

I've eaten at a TON of local restaurants over the past 12 months, and I had some amazing experiences. But, if I had to choose a favorite for 2024, it would be Hamburg Inn No. 2 in Iowa City. After all of the issues that the restaurant has faced over the past few years, Brain and I decided to give it a shot this August when we were in Iowa City for Radiothon.


Hamburg Inn No. 2 is such an iconic diner, I can't believe it took me almost 10 years of living in the Corridor to finally try it! I had high expectations going in, and I'm happy to say that the food exceeded those expectations. I ended up getting the Fried Onion Burger with a side of mac & cheese, and Brain ordered the tenderloin and fries. We also both got milkshakes. Mine was just plain vanilla, but Brain tried one of their famous Pie Shakes! It was basically a meal in itself.


Although Brain loved Hamburg Inn No. 2 as much as I did, his top local restaurant for 2024 was Sally's on Broadway in Springville. It's a place we've both enjoyed many, MANY times over the years, especially the Sunday breakfast buffet! Brain says, "Very few places my entire family agrees on, but one of them is Sally's On Broadway!"

We asked listeners on Facebook to share with us their favorite local restaurant that they ate at this year, and we got quite a few responses! Here are some of the listener picks:

Eastern Iowans Name Their Favorite Local Restaurants of 2024

We asked listeners on Facebook to share with us their favorite local restaurant that they ate at in 2024, and we got quite a few responses! Here are some of the listener picks:

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

Did you see your favorite on the list? If not, tell us your favorite in the comments below or by sending us a message on our station app!

A Look Back at Listener Lunch 2024

It's been an amazing year of Listener Lunch! Here are things we ate at all 11 restaurants in 2024!

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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