City Of Dubuque Lets Family Stay In Home For $1 A Month
How does one dollar a month for rent sound? It could be the world's smallest mortgage payment and it's all thanks to the city of Dubuque.
On Monday, the Dubuque city council agreed to purchase the home of Douglas and Dianne Fritsch for $204,000. That's around $11,000 more than the assessed value of the home. City leaders said they knew the couple wanted to sell the home so they made an offer. Why did they want the home? It sits right next to an industrial park and the city wants the property for future expansion. There are currently NO plans to demolish the house.
In the meantime, the city is allowing the couple to stay in the house until December of 2017 for the low cost of one dollar per month. They will still have to pay utilities and property taxes as long as they live on the property. If I were them, I'd take advantage of that one dollar rent special for awhile!
[via KCRG]