Cedar Rapids Named Host City For Curling Championships
The sport of curling has continued its rise in popularity. There is even a Cedar Rapids Curling Club. Well, fans of the sport got big news yesterday as it was announced that the Men's and Women's National Curling Championships are coming to the city of Cedar Rapids.
The USA Curling Association made the announcement yesterday, granting Cedar Rapids the championship event in the year 2021. Rick Patzke, the CEO of USA Curling said that the cities experience in hosting the 2015 Curling Arena Nationals event factored into the decision to award Cedar Rapids the national event.
Another factor was obviously the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena, a top-notch facility for winter sporting events. The USA Curling Association will have to make sure the arena is up to national standards. A professional ice maker will be brought in to make a special kind of ice for the event. A low particle water is used and then frozen. It interacts better with the curling stones than regular ice.
The championships will be held in Cedar Rapids February 6-13, 2021.
[via KCRG]