During my career in radio, I've worked every shift you can imagine. I've done overnight shifts, worked nights, and for the past 20 years have done early mornings. A lot of people ask me if I am a 'morning person'. And my answer is always a resounding 'NO'. I know from working other shifts that my body doesn't really like the shift that I work. I definitely consider myself a 'night owl'. But if you thought that you had to be either one or the other, you might have some other options.

A new study out of Belgium actually identifies four types of people.

  • The Morning person, people who are most alert in the morning.
  • The Night Owls, people who are most alert at night.
  • Afternoon people, who are most alert from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • The Napper, people who are alert in the morning, then crash but get a second burst of energy thanks to an afternoon nap.

I most identify with Night Owls. If given my choice I'd rather stay up late, than get up early. But since my job for the past two decades requires me to get up at 3:15 a.m., I've turned into a Napper! I get off work, go home and crash around 1 p.m. After a nap, I'm up and at 'em again and fully charged at around 3 p.m.

The researchers said that it could actually improve productivity if companies embraced sleep types. Early starts for morning people. Late starts for night owls. You get the idea. I'm just waiting for my company allowed nap!


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