An Iowa Hy-Vee Has Been Offering ‘Adult Lunchables’ [PHOTO]
I'll occasionally pick up a Lunchable from the grocery store when I'm hungry, but I've never seen one like this before!
This morning on Facebook, I came across a post that a few of my Facebook friends shared with a photo of an "Adult Lunchable." According to the original poster Lindsey Meredith, the Hy-Vee store located at 110 S D Street in Oskaloosa was offering them for $9.99! That might sound like a lot for a Lunchable, but wait until you see what's included in it:
It looks like each Adult Lunchable contains an uncooked steak, a twice-baked potato, and a beer. The photo features a Busch Light, an obvious choice here in Iowa, but Lindsey mentioned in the comments that there were Lunchables with other types of beer available, as well. Personally, I'd like to see one with a White Claw! Lindsey captioned the photo, "Oskaloosa Hy-Vee out here living in the year 3022."
I'm clearly not the only one who thought this "Adult Lunchable" was awesome, as the post has nearly 500 shares since being posted on Facebook last Friday! I don't know if the Oskaloosa has any more left in stock, but I know that I would definitely buy one if I saw one at a closer location. Oakland Road Hy-Vee... where you at?! If you see this deal at any local stores, be sure to let us know!
Speaking of food, the Iowa State Fair officially announced 53 new fair foods that are on the way in 2022, including the three finalists for the Best New Food Award! You can check out the “OMG” Chicken Sandwich, the Pork Picnic in a Cup, The Finisher, and more HERE.