A Change Could Be Coming To The Iowa School Year Calendar
The Iowa Senate is discussing making a subtle change to the Iowa school year calendar. Two years ago, lawmakers agreed that schools could start no earlier than August 23rd. The new start date would be even earlier.
Discussions are underway to move the start date for Iowa schools no earlier than August 23rd OR the Monday following the last day of the Iowa State Fair, whichever occurs earlier. The 2018 Iowa State Fair runs from August 9th through the 19th, meaning Iowa schools could start on Monday the 20th.
School administrators seem to be in favor of the change saying it allows them more flexibility in scheduling. The Iowa tourism industry has lobbied for later start dates, saying the starting school in mid-August cost the state millions of dollars in lost tourism and spending.
I'm old enough that I remember school not starting until after Labor Day. I'm not saying schools should start that late, but putting a limit on how early they can start classes is a good move in my opinion. What do you think? When should Iowa start school?
[via IC Press Citizen]