Guys, admit it. Sometimes we do things and we don't even realize it. Sometimes they make sense. Most times they don't. Even when someone points them out to us, we just shake our heads and say, "Yep, I do that." So guys, how many of the following are YOU guilty of?

  • Going months without washing or changing your bed sheets.
  • Slapping their pants to make sure their keys, wallet and phone are there.
  • Spending a really long time in the bathroom.
  • Turning the radio down when you get lost.
  • Keep large amounts of change scattered around.
  • Putting hand down their pants while watching TV.
  • Lowering their voice when they talk on the phone, especially to another guy.
  • Deny they fell asleep when you catch them napping.

First off, I'm married so our sheets get washed weekly. I DO slap my jeans to check for things. I spend a long time in the bathroom. Not sure about the radio down when lost thing. I have GPS. I keep large amounts of change on my desk here at work (see photo above.) I lower my voice sometimes when on the phone. But I never deny I'm sleeping. I work in morning radio...I'm tired all the time!

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