You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Not just a quote from 'The Incredible Hulk'. It goes for me too. I admit it. Sometimes I let my anger get the best of me. Being a dad can sometimes set me off. The kids arguing and fighting, then they don't eat their dinner and complain when you put them to bed. Enough already! It turns out I'm not alone. A survey found that 25% of dads are grumpy all the time. Another 73% said that they're getting more that way as they get older. The key to fighting this is recognizing what sets you off. Here are some of the things that drive dads crazy!

  • Leaving the lights on.
  • Traffic jams
  • Bad drivers
  • Bad manners
  • Telemarketers
  • Their football team losing
  • Missing out on family because of work
  • Reality TV talent shows
  • How much family activities cost
  • Kids arguing

I can relate to a lot of those, but others don't really bother me. One of the things I'm trying to work on in 2016 is my anger. If you can identify triggers, like these, you can better deal with the emotions that follow. Unless your football team really sucks. Then it may be time to just give up.


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