Brain and Steele,

When my husband and I first started dating, he told me he was a “gun enthusiast” (his words). Having never even held a gun, I knew nothing about them – but I wasn't opposed to them. Fast forward ten years to today and my husband now has somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 handguns and 10 or so rifles and more bullets than he could ever need. His enthusiasm has grown while mine has deteriorated.

I understand having a gun to protect one's home – but this arsenal makes me extremely uneasy. It's not uncommon for me to come home from work and he's sitting on the couch with several of the guns out. He says he is “cleaning” the guns or “admiring” them. I've asked him WHY he needs so many guns – to which his response is “because I have that right.”

I guess what it comes down to is – I would like for him to get rid of his guns (if he wants to keep one for protection, I am ok with that.) Other than that...I see no reason. As a wife, don't I have “a right” too?


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