I got my first job in radio when I was a senior in high school back in 1993. It was a small local station, and the technology wasn't exactly 'up to date'. Sure, we played some music off of CDs, but I also had to cue up records too. And the commercials and jingles were on 8 track carts. When I first started at KHAK several years later, they still played music off of CDs and used the carts for commercials and jingles. But it wasn't long before computer technology took over the industry.

We moved from several different automation systems before eventually settling on what was the Prophet system. That last update came over a decade ago. We've been waiting a long time for the next generation of operating systems. Today, it's finally here. Meet Zetta. It features many of the things that most of us loved about the previous system, but has numerous updates that will make our lives a whole lot easier. One person described it to me as imagine your old system as a beater car or truck you've driven into the ground. Zetta is like being handed a brand new Ferrari. Vroom, Vroom.

So as we learn how to drive our new sports car, you may hear a few blips here and there. Human error I'm afraid. Zetta can only do so much. We've come a long way from playing vinyl and CDs.

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