Mosquitos and Tick season is here a few weeks early this year. The warmer weather we've had this Spring has helped with the hatching of both insects this year. Working out in our garage last night, I saw first hand mosquitos invading MY SPACE!!!

Here's a few natural homemade repellent recipes.

Lavender mosquito repellent. Mosquitos do not like the smell and will leave you alone when applying generous amounts.

Garlic. Eating garlic is another natural repellent. Give yourself at least 30 minutes for the garlic to travel through your body. Not only will mosquitos leave you alone... but vampires stay away too.

Vanilla extract. Apply some vanilla extract or vanilla essence to your pulse points and it also helps keep gnats away too.

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Citrus: Citrus scents are time honored pest repellants. You can make your own natural repellant oil by boiling citrus peels, such as orange and lemon, in water. Let cool, then apply. For pets, note that cats often strongly dislike citrus fragrances. You may want to save this treatment for the dog!

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