A new survey found the 43% of people don't know how much their spouse makes a year. How is this possible? I understand not being able to quote the exact number, but not even having a ballpark estimate? Maybe you make so much that anything your spouse pulls in is just 'extra'. If that is the case, congratulations.

My wife and I had separate checking accounts for a long time. But even then, I still had a general idea of what she made. Then, after we bought a house and had kids, it just made sense for us to have a joint account for bill paying and other things. I see every deposit of hers when it hits our account. And with online banking being so easy and convenient, how can you NOT now what is going in and out of your accounts? The other shocking thing is, it's getting worse! 2 years ago only 27% of people didn't know how much their spouse made. Now it's up to 43%. Once again, if you have so much money coming in that you don't need to know where it's coming from, good for you. I'm guessing that's not the case for most of us.

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