I love animals and what people sometimes do to them literally makes me sick.  Unfortunately, many times those perpetrators seem to receive just a slap on the wrist, when I think something much greater is warranted.  The FBI has taken a great step in the fight.  

Animal cruelty is now classified as a Group A Felony.  That puts it in the same category with arson, assault, and homicide.  Local law enforcement agencies will be able to report arrests and incidents in one of four categories:

Simple or Gross Neglect

Intentional Abuse and Torture

Organized Abuse

Animal Sexual Abuse

And it may not just be animals that benefit.  Several studies have shown that people who abuse and torture animals or kill them are more likely to be violent toward people later in life.

Better treatment for animals and perhaps saving human lives as well?  Those two things combined make what the FBI has done very important to everyone, animal lover or not.

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