I'm a few days late, but here it is! My movie review for last week while I was on vacation.

I think I'm just about finished with all the old Adam Sandler movies after this one. I've watched quite a few of his older films, but this is one of the big ones that I had never seen: Happy Gilmore (1996).

 I was going to watch something a little more serious this past week, but this movie just happened to be on TV, so I just kept it on. Nothing against Happy Gilmore or Adam Sandler, but I feel like once you've seen one Adam Sandler movie, you've seen them all. Don't get me wrong, the movie was entertaining, I just feel like Adam Sandler plays the same type of roles over and over. That being said, there were still quite a few laugh out loud moments for me. Happy's fight with Bob Barker had me cracking up, and a lot Happy's dialogue was pretty funny, too. I liked the line where he said he broke the rake and threw it in the woods so it could, "be with it's family." I also loved Ben Stiller's random role in this. He makes such a funny bad guy.

Overall, I thought the movie was funny, it just wasn't really that different from Billy Madison. Now that this movie is off the list, I think the only classic Adam Sandler movie left that I haven't seen is The Waterboy. I'll have to save that one for later!

If you have any movie suggestions for me, feel free to leave them below! They can be funny or serious, I'll watch them all! 


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