Ah, Wednesday! Wednesday is always 'Taste Bud Trivia' day in the KHAK studio so I usually dread it, but not this week! With Brain out on vacation, Bob James and Danielle joined me in the studio, which means I didn't have to eat the gross food that Danielle picked out. Listeners answered questions about topics we discussed on the morning show this week, and when they got them wrong, Danielle and Bob had to eat canned jackfruit. According to Google, the jackfruit is "the very large edible fruit of the jackfruit tree, resembling a breadfruit and important as food in the tropics." And, even though it doesn't look (or taste like it), it is, in fact, a fruit. However, I don't think that Danielle or Bob James will be eating this particular fruit EVER again. Check out this week's video:

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